Thursday 3 September 2015

Taking Care of Chickens

Making the decision to raise chickens is a big one. Chickens do not take nearly as much care as traditional pets but there is some care involved. Just before getting chickens or chicks, you should see to it you are really ready pro tempore commitment necessary for healthy happy chickens.
Readying up to bring chickens home is the biggest time drain. Ensure you have the chicken housing prepared up and ready to rank bringing home your new chickens.
Daily chicken care should take 30 minutes or less each day relying on the flock size the chicken housing setup you have chosen.
AUTOMATIC WATERERS: Using automatic waterers is recommended, this will eliminate the time you spend daily watering your chickens.
SELF FEEDERS: Feeding will be easier if you have a large feeder, the type which hangs is a good choice. Maybe if you have a small flock you ought to refill the feeder just once a week and the chickens will get on automatic feeding the whole week.
EGG COLLECTING: Egg collection should be done every evening which won't take lengthy at all. If you have nice egg laying boxes your hens will likely be salting away these boxes so collection should take a few minutes max.
CLEANING: Basic cleaning should be done weekly and shouldn't take long ever.
Having a 5 approximately chickens versus having 15 approximately chickens, won't add a great deal of extra work or you or your family but will require more feed so this is something to think about before choosing the flock size you are wanting to start.
take a look at Chickens

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